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Home defense and dogs


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Hypothetically speaking, if an intruder breaks into my home in the middle of the night, how does that scenario play out with your family, and your dogs?

Our dogs sleep in our bedroom, so as much as I'd like to grab a shotgun and hole up behind our bed, there's a very high probability that my dogs would be charging at the intruder the second he came in the room, or waiting by the door barking. It would be damn near impossible to use a shotgun for defense without hitting the dogs, or making that a substantial risk.

With that in mind, I'm thinking a handgun is my best alternative.

I fully acknowledge that my situation is unique from those with kids. In my case, once an intruder has gained entry to my home, my plan would be to take a defensive position. If they want to enter my room, they're getting holes put in them, but I'm not going to risk getting shot myself for a bunch of stuff that insurance will cover.

For those with kids, I expect your first move is toward their room(s) to defend THEM instead. In that scenario though, your dog(s) is/are likely the first ones in harm's way. So what do you do?

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A shotgun will produce a fist-sized grouping at home-defense distances. That is well within the margin of aiming error in a dynamic situation. The shotgun has no higher risk of hitting the dogs that the handgun.

I'd stick with the shotty. 00 buck is like getting hit by multiple 9mm rounds at the same time.

The BG can take a couple hits from a pistol and keep going unless you score a vital CNS hit. I honestly cannot imagine a scenario where a shotgun firing 00 buck across a room and hitting centermass does NOT leave the BG pushing up daisies within seconds.

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A shotgun will produce a fist-sized grouping at home-defense distances. That is well within the margin of aiming error in a dynamic situation. The shotgun has no higher risk of hitting the dogs that the handgun.

I'd stick with the shotty. 00 buck is like getting hit by multiple 9mm rounds at the same time.

The BG can take a couple hits from a pistol and keep going unless you score a vital CNS hit. I honestly cannot imagine a scenario where a shotgun firing 00 buck across a room and hitting centermass does NOT leave the BG pushing up daisies within seconds.

Forget center mass aim for the head

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I see my dogs as the first line of defense. My Shih Tzu will make more noise than my alarm and my lab will keep bringing him a ball until he tires and leaves.

I honestly don't know if my dogs would even bark, unless they were reacting to MY shock and surprise. I mean, we discourage them from barking at every little noise they hear at 3 AM...

if they SAW someone, then yes, but they sleep in our bedroom.

And like you said, aside from noise, there's no guarantee my dogs are actually going to stop anyone. My beagle isn't going to attack an intruder unless a cat or a squirrel breaks in. My rottweiler has a lot more desire to guard our house, but I still wouldn't rely on him to be vicious. I'm not convinced he knows how...

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My dogs roam the home freely when we are home and not. If an intruder came in with my wife, 3 children and myself there the dogs will greet them and alert us and next to my bed is a loaded 380. Pop the trigger lock off and make my presence known that I'm armed and will shoot. Wife has been told to do the same. Once the family is secure call 911.

In all honesty if I needed to fire my weapon and my dogs are in the the way. Bye bye dogs. Although with a snarling German Shepard and a Leopard dog looking you in the face I doubt they'd come in the door. If it came to the dogs safety or my kids and wifes safety the dogs come in last. People who know us for years won't (again) attempt to come in the house when their not invited because of my mangy mongrels.

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I hope you're not set up in a way that the first you know abotu it is the BG make it to your bedroom...?

Layers, layers, layers. Alarm system with keypad in bedroom. Reinforced door hinges and striker (4" screws right into the framing of the house) will slow them down long enough while making a helluva racket that you could reach a gun or something. Hope your gun is in a safe but easy-access location in the bedroom...

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I hope you're not set up in a way that the first you know abotu it is the BG make it to your bedroom...?

Layers, layers, layers. Alarm system with keypad in bedroom. Reinforced door hinges and striker (4" screws right into the framing of the house) will slow them down long enough while making a helluva racket that you could reach a gun or something. Hope your gun is in a safe but easy-access location in the bedroom...

Fence... locks....alarm system....dogs...guns.... hearse.

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When it comes to a shotgun its not a point I'm a general direction and.pull the trigger process Hollywood would like you to believe. Within a home you are going to have a pattern that is very tight. I showed this to Cleaver over the weekend with his new toy. Take your shotgun outband pattern it some day and you will feel a lot better about it. There is a company out there that does a shotgun training course called Crusader weaponry, they teach shotgun effectiveness out to 200 yards. It's an eye opening experience.


The link is a really good book on what scruit was talking about with layers of security. This guy knows his stuff and its a good read with lots of examples.

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Honestly, I never shot at paper with a scattergun until this past summer. I've shot thousands of clays, a bunch of birds, a few beverage cans, but never paper. I took my Nova HD to the indoor range last summer and was shocked. Buckshot at 25 yards patterned point of aim about six inches around. Gave me tons of confidence for home defense.

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Never thought about it much. I taught my dogs not to bark. They taught themselves to come and wake me up. Guess I'm supposed to protect them if I'm home. If I was even asleep, I tend to wake up when I hear odd sounds.

Dogs preferred to sleep in front of the door, so it couldn't open. Good dogs.

edit: oddly, I found out that if I wasn't home, the dog would go ape shit if some one approached the door.

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4" screws right into the framing of the house) will slow them down long enough while making a helluva racket that you could reach a gun or something.

Best cheap & easy home security tip there is. As scruit said, makes it much harder to kick on a door and makes a lot more noise in the process to help alert you and your neighbors.

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