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street pilot

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About street pilot

  • Birthday 08/31/1982

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  1. Can't figure out how to edit the post, would like to sell for $120 obo.
  2. I have Mid-O gift certificates available, must be used this year.
  3. Many Sheetz in the area have ethanol free 90 octane too.
  4. Agree but you might have difficulty proving maintenance if the seller is not including oil change receipts, etc. You might consider adding the Subaru "Added Security" extended warranty. Mine paid for itself, and it's transferrable/(partially) refundable.
  5. Never heard of this place, that hill climb looks gnarly!
  6. Hopefully public land will be open mid-may. I keep telling myself the riding would be a total mud shitshow this month anyway.
  7. A fellow rider loses his job and needs to sell shit for money and you can't resist posting a (barely relevant) negative comment? Stay classy. 🙄
  8. two crisp $20 bills and a 6-pack of craft beer?
  9. That's a great point. The NOCO has an "override" button for exactly that scenario, but thinking back, I may not have used it, which would explain why it didn't even try to start the van. I only owned it a couple days at that point and later learned about the override button. It might be worth looking into whether yours has a similar override.
  10. I have the NOCO you're looking at. I used it to jump a 4cyl accord twice within 5 minutes in freezing temps when the booster was 75% charged. There wasn't an abundance of cranking power, but it started. It failed to jump a totally dead 6cyl van (didn't even crank), but in all fairness that van took another vehicle with jumper cables over 15 minutes to jump. I actually think the booster would have done better with the dead battery disconnected. I like that NOCO is an Ohio company, and it is a quality unit, but I'd go bigger than the GB40.
  11. Basic leather riding boots, sz9.5 $20 or a 6 pack from a local brewery.
  12. Dunlop Q3 180/55/17 and 120/70/17. Excellent center tread, OK shoulder tread. $75 obo https://photos.app.goo.gl/HvNbVadyR2ABcmg7A
  13. I have a MidOhio twilight cert ($120 value) that expires this year bought from John on this site, I'm not sure I'll get to use it. I'll let it go cheap if you want to put it towards a remaining day.
  14. Assuming all "bad" debt is covered, decide how soon you need the money. Within the next couple years? Money Markets or High-yield savings (Ally). Longer term? Determine your asset allocation (risk tolerance) and invest in low-cost total market bond and stock index funds. https://personal.vanguard.com/us/FundsInvQuestionnaire https://www.bogleheads.org/wiki/Bogleheads%C2%AE_investing_start-up_kit
  15. No. Do you have another vehicle you could refinance? BMI credit union is 3.24% on a 36mo loan. If you refinance an existing loan through them (refi for more than your vehicle is worth and use the balance to buy the CRV) you get $250 incentive. Use my referral and get additional $50. I've been happy with them.
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