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Status Updates posted by Casper

  1. The gallery is up and running. Enjoy.

  2. Casper

    I'm game. Not tomorrow though. Have to run down to Cincy right after work.

  3. There will be a new store on this site soon.

  4. Welcome back. What bike are you looking to get?

  5. You should have gotten a private message about it. It's an automated thing when emails get bounced. It disables all site emails, changes your title, and sends a PM asking to check your email address and update it if it is incorrect. If it is correct, let me know and I'll take a look. When you change your email, that tag will go away. Or I can do it manually if something else is up with the emails being bounced.

  6. It should tell you why it failed. Usually the image is too large, or not in jpg/gif/png format.

  7. Uploads to where? Attachments? An album? What's the error message?

  8. How's marriage going? Seems like it's been forever since I saw you last. How's everything been?

  9. We should plan another one.

  10. I'll make a video this winter of me and the Danger Ranger. :D

  11. Glad you like it. LOL

  12. Where ya been honky?

  13. Don't know what/where the Pub is, so probably not. LOL

  14. I still have this gift card for you... :)

  15. Ohio ride happening again this year?

  16. Oh lol. Well thank you man. :D

  17. Where ya been man?

  18. The pitcher is never gay, just the catcher. I still can't believe you can squat like that.

  19. No problem. I'm over in Pickerington. Where are you?

  20. Hey stranger. How you doing?

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