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Everything posted by jacobhawkins

  1. Great day for a ride, thanks for getting this organized, Derek, and thanks for leading, also.
  2. I'll be meeting you in Groveport. Sorry for the late chime in, waiting to see what I got done earlier this week to reduce Saturday work hours...
  3. Yeah, she had a great time. Thank you very much for letting her on it. Plus, its pretty cool that the first bike she's operated was a race bike!
  4. Awesome, we'll be down. I have a blue FJR, whiteish jacket, yellow helmet, ponytail. Katie has a black jacket, yellow helmet. See you tomorrow!
  5. 56 is still closed just past 278. I took 278 north to 33 then picked back up on 78 in nelsonville. I remember that damn light in coonville every time but it still sneaks up. Its right there after that corner! I missed a turn and took 93/13 by Crooksville to 155 to 93 back to Logan. Oh well... Damn sun was in my eyes on 669 so that was slow and unfortunate. Great ride though, looking forward to the group on the 27th!
  6. I'll be riding the route after work today checking for detours/road hazards to avoid.
  7. Huge parking lot, there was plenty of room in the spring.
  8. Hell, she's nervous, no doubt about that, but friendly folks with an encouraging attitude helps a lot.
  9. You're experience when you bought it? Riding style/what you do with it? Your approximate size? What appealed to you about it and what are you leaning away from now? Do you think it would be reasonable for a person with zero experience to start on?
  10. Trying to get her down this weekend... Seems like a great opportunity for her to get on something with two wheels in a low stress environment. She has jacket, helmet, gloves, boots, no leathers if you think that'd be necessary. I'll let you know for sure if she will come before Saturday. Thank you for the offer to get her a chance on something.
  11. I'd love to pick your brain about your 300. I've given up riding other peoples bikes, just ask Iassc's Pappa or Hoblick what happens...
  12. Thanks for all the input guys, I'll be showing her this thread so she can start to form her opinion. Just got her permit about 30 minutes ago and we are hoping she gets into the MSF course tomorrow as a walk-in... A guy at work has a gs500 that she could sit on and there are both a ninja 300 and blast at iron pony. Redkow, I'll bring her to the race on the 4th, she may be in class this weekend on one of their 250s. Woo hoo! I don't know who's more excited!
  13. Yeah, I hear ya, I knew the gauntlet had been thrown for any future contests. Haha
  14. I don't remember any 5 car wheelie pass, but I do remember a wheelie at 75+!
  15. Hey I'm willing to learn, I'll try to find one for her to sit on nearby.
  16. Thanks man, I'll try to make for a bit next week. Mom is having her yearly fall party that day, otherwise I'd try to race.
  17. Yeah that was me. Brought my dad along to see what it was all about too. He enjoyed himself, maybe try to race next year a couple times too.
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