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About 04DayTri

  • Birthday 07/07/1987

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    Bowling Green, Ohio
  • Vehicles(s)
    2004 Daytona Triumph

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  1. Your a moron. Majority of departments now prefer you have a degree, whether it's an associates in CJ or a bachelors in something else of your choosing. You are the same person who bitches about the cops when you get caught breaking a law and then will turn around and bitch when something bad happens to you and they are not around to help
  2. Julie Bullard is a private school for kids with mild to moderate learning disabilities. 9 of my finances students have Autism and the other has Aspergers. The school is K-8 but high schools are constantly visiting there trying get the kids to their schools because they are so far ahead and well prepared educationally wise. I don't what your wife is making now but my fiancé started at 29k which is higher than the average starting salary for most teachers and well above those who have a degree for special education. I'm not sure what the differences in teaching degrees is but it may be something to consider.
  3. What type of teaching degree does she have? My fiancé works at Julie Bullard school. Small classrooms, and 2 teachers per room. She has 10 students in her kindergarten class. She graduated in may and started there in August and loves it.
  4. I'm assuming your saying Flint or Detroit based on the fact I used to live in Bowling Green. I'm currently in Aurora which is half way between Akron and Cleveland, which is why I was asking if anyone had experience with open enrollment at the Richfield satellite campus for OPOTA training
  5. You sure it was the OSHP test? As far as I know your not allowed to apply until 21 and I know for sure cant be in the academy until 21 and that's a long shot at best. They will tell you flat out they prefer you to be mid 20s. Ill be honest and say that at 21 I wasn't mature/responsible enough to be a cop that's for sure. As for all the bad cop stories blah blah blah, the news portrays only cops that get in trouble which is MAYBE 2-5% of all the cops in the US. Everyone forgets about the other 95% out there doing the right thing and living and honest life each day and it sucks
  6. State patrol was actually my first choice and still is. I passed the physical and written and the polygraph. But after the background check I was told due to previous driving record and a couple other things that were to recent in my past I would have to wait and re apply. It was nothing serious that prevent me from a career in law enforcement and was encouraged to re apply, it was just to recent in the past and the troopers are very rigid and strict in their hirring process.
  7. Lol I'm not short by any means, I'm 6'3" 220. The big cities typically do have you do all the tests first and will put you through their academy but the 2 big cities up here ( Cleveland & Akron) haven't said anything about testing. As far as being in shape, I've taken and passed numerous PT test for different cities and also passed the physical for the OHSP Academy so that's not an issue. It just all seems to revolve around that OPOTA and I understand by no means does the gurantee a job but it deffinately opens up more opportunities than just paying $25 for each civil service test and hoping to score high enough for a PD to sponsor me to do it
  8. I only have a few classes left and will have my associates. With that being said it seems that the OPOTA cert is more important than the degree. Majority of LEO jobs require you to already have your OPOTA before you can sign up to take the civil service test. The places that don't require you to have to take civil service test do give you bonus points added onto your final score of your civil service test.
  9. No I actually live in Aurora now
  10. Ok so I know there's a couple LEOs on here and I'm just looking for advice. I decided a while back I want to be a LEO as my career. The issue I'm facing is obtaining my OPOTA. With the job I have now its not possible to go to an academy through a community college because my work schedule changes weekly although I do know my schedule typically a month ahead if time. I've been applying and taking any civil service test in NE Ohio hoping to score high enough to get sponsored by a dept and have it paid for but it's starting to seem like it may take a while( couple years). I have the funds to pay for the classes as open enrollment and from what I've read that's typically the most flexible way to do although not the cheapest. Is there any other suggestions for OPOTA certification you may have? What are some downsides to the open enrollment classes? Also I'm hoping to be able to do this in NE Ohio. On the website it says they have a satellite branch in Richfield which is only 20 miles from me.
  11. Rider is ok just, bike is pretty dinged up. Rider was wearing no helmet, leather MC vest and leather pants
  12. Siiting on the on ramp from Wooster to 75 haven't moved an inch in 20 minutes. Report is rider down will post more details as I get closer. People are reversing down the birm and driving up the entrance ramp to get out of the dead stop.
  13. I will keep that in mind as I'm sure I will be drinking some scotch tonight.
  14. A good scotch and good cigar are probably the most relaxing combo in the world. I got introduced to scotch through my fiance's dad and although it's an acquired taste I feel like it grew on me rather quickly. I like a peaty scotch like Laphroaig myself
  15. Haha what would you recommend for a nice Glenlivet 15?? Maybe the elusive Mt Dew pitch black?
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