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Everything posted by fox_racing_guy

  1. I received my tool from S&W yesterday, if you have a depth gauge you could check it against this.
  2. Thats funny, I have a photo of my own ZRX on that same bridge I took in 2009.
  3. New steering head bearings, having the correct tools for this job make it go much easier.
  4. My 3, Giant Schnauzer, Mini Schnauzer, & Old English Sheepdog, he's still a pup. The 3 in the back yard.
  5. I would purchase one of these $17 borescopes you can use with you phone or laptop so you can actually see in the cylinder. They work amazingly well for the price paid and this will let you see if you should continue further on the suspect engine. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01H00AJB2?psc=1 Marvel Mystery Oil also seems to be a favorite to free up stuck motors. You're lucky the bike has a center stand, place the bike in gear and rock the rear wheel back and forth to try and free the engine. YouTube video of a guy using this exact method on a old CB350 with success.
  6. I'm sure it will be starring in the Mt Pleasant wheelie kings youtube or instagram page very soon. Just write it off, even if you find it the police won't do anything. Cleveland's mayor grandson is involved with these shitbags. If you're ever selling a MX bike in the Cleveland area meet at a police station only for the sale. You can also post in this thread here http://www.pitracer.com/index.php?threads/a-couple-of-new-articles-on-cleveland-bike-life-track.64964/
  7. Is anyone here using Google Project Fi? looks amazingly cheap for my uses I'm just wondering about coverage out in the sticks. https://fi.google.com/about/
  8. fox_racing_guy


    I like those forks! Mine
  9. Here is Western Reserve's site http://www.westernreservemc.com/ It use to be if you show up on a motorcycle they let you in for free, I have no idea if this is still true today.
  10. Another public track I should have mentioned is Rt 62 MX over in Matinsburg. They have a winter indoor series for small bikes with nothing larger then 85's. In the summer they have a nice outdoor track and this past summer they had a special race weekend for small bikes.
  11. Replied, good luck and keep it fun for him.
  12. He lied or purchased it out of state if he is the original owner. In Ohio titling began in July 1999 for all bikes and quads. Every unit sold since then has a title. ​Many people don't have the title transferred into their own name to avoid paying sales tax on the bike. Run the VIN here to see if anything comes up. https://ext.dps.state.oh.us/BMVOnlineServices.Public/TitleSearch.aspx
  13. Congrats, you made the right choice with a KTM. If you need parts in a hurry Holeshot in Akron does keep a decent stock on hand but you will pay full price, otherwise you can find stuff cheaper online. I know a guy with a private track in Canal Fulton if you want to give you kid some on track experience with other little ones. If interested just shoot me a PM and I'll give you his contact details.
  14. Put some prices up, I'm traveling soon and would like to transfer these from my soft cases.
  15. Same here only earlier. Jan-Mar 1988 We didn't have to go through it either or damage control.
  16. Here's how they do it in Cleveland. Most of the bikes are stolen and the Mayors grandson is involved as well.
  17. Metro Vet Hospital in Akron specializes in Cancer treatment for pets. Not saying you dog has cancer but my Giant Schnauzer had melanoma is his left eye this past spring and they fixed him right up. They removed his eye and luckily it was benign and did not spread. Total cost was around $2000 but it was very worth it to me. http://www.metropolitanvet.com/ Photo is from when he had his "cone of shame" removed but he looks fine today and is doing great.
  18. Greg is a good friend of mine and we hang out/ride often. My ZRX is used primarily as a commuter now, with the Rentec rack & bag I can fit my lunch easily and ride to work.
  19. If we ever cross paths you can take mine for a spin.
  20. What I find more useful then a parts washer is a ultrasonic cleaner, especially for carburetors. I have a Kendal commercial unit available on Amazon for $170 http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00J4468J0/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=DGPV9NRMX3SU&coliid=I29Q8ISDQT9L31 For big stuff (engine cases & such) I just use gas and a paint brush.
  21. I know a guy that teaches MX basics at a easy track on his own property in Louisville (close to Canton) The first question is do you own motorcycles for your kids yet? No place I can think of will supply bikes and you must bring your own. I would also recommend that your 4 year old be able to ride a bicycle without training wheels before slapping them on a motorcycle. Just my opinion but training wheels for motorcycles is the stupidest idea ever. Don't be in a rush for the kiddo's to be on motorcycles. For the 4 year old you want to be looking for a Yamaha PW50, I would buy used, these thing are for sale all over the place in good condition. For the 8 year old I would be looking at one of the Honda CRF's or Yamaha TTR's with a clutch. Stay away from the KTM 50, 65, or 85 SX models, these are 2-stroke race bikes and will probably scare the crap out of your 8 year old plus they are high maintenance race bikes. The guy is Louisville is Dave Bernard and you could contact him on facebook https://www.facebook.com/dave.bernard.37?fref=ts Tell him Mark Fox sent you and he would help you out. Your other option is to take your kids to Briarcliff MX http://www.briarcliffmx.com/ They have a "C" track and it's all flat ground so I think the little ones would like it. You would have to do the teaching or try and recruit some help at the track. Don't just search MX tracks and show up, many don't have a kids track and PW wouldn't even be able to navigate many of them.
  22. Here is a Dark Fishing Spider I discovered a couple weeks ago.
  23. This place has got me out of a jam in the past. Stuver Auto Spring Co500 N Main St Akron, OH 44310(330) 535-2111
  24. Time to bring this one back, anyone else still taking photo's? This is a local bald eagle nest to me, first one here is about 100 yards away shot with my 600mm through a bunch of trees and other foliage. Sometimes I can get clean shots of them in air. More often then not it's with power lines or trees in the way. Mom and 2 of her eaglets at the nest.
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