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    07 600rr trackbike

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  1. Thanks for all the compliments
  2. Guys couldn't find a way to fit the kids on it so selling to buy a muscle car. Bike is amazing just wrong time. Was in action on the last fall epic ride so a couple people can vouch for the machine. Please pass on to anyone you may know in the market. Thanks so much. http://cleveland.craigslist.org/mcy/5478477624.html
  3. The overall traction of track is great. If sun is out it will put some heat into track. But like any cold track treat as necessary. I will warn you to tread lightly through turn 5/6. This past weekend was an abosolute shit show. Red flags in every session. Never seen it that bad. Guessing 75% of crashes were in 5/6.
  4. Trailer? A vehicle to transport motorcycles. Didn't think I needed to thread a king size bed between them for full functionality:)
  5. Have 7x14 V-nose and fit 4 sport bikes pretty comfortable
  6. It did start to sprinkle and clouds were pretty dark when I left chagrin falls area around 7:00 Sunday morning but it was dry just a little south of that
  7. Thanks Derek. Nice meeting everyone. The day was beautiful and had a great time. Home safe with just a tick over 400 miles.
  8. Nice meeting you guys. Had a good time.
  9. I'll be there if the weather is better than today and I'll post up first thing if i'm in or out.
  10. I'll make my decision in morning but got green light to attend. Does seem like radar should be clear unless system stalls or something else pops up over night.
  11. 7 minutes to 9pm the anticipation is killing me. Wait a minute my beer is empty. Be right back!
  12. Couple things have to pan out for me to attend but I am subscribed to the hate parade meet up
  13. And comments on overall conditions? Been about a year or two since I have been. Any better or worse since then?
  14. Just checking who has ran it lately? Looking to do something in September and looks like really only thing going on a weekend around here.
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